PHP Lecture 3.....

>> String Interpolation..

String Interpolation is a quick shortcut, allowing to pop the value of a variable into a double quoted string. Ex:- <?php
$value =10;
echo "Value is: $value";


1. Surround the variable name with spaces.
    Ex:- <?php
               echo"$value is good for you";

2. Don't use single quotation marks - when you use single quotation marks , PHP does not apply string interpolation.

>> Constants In PHP....

1. Whose values can't be modified.

2. define() function is used to create a constant.

3. Syntax:- define("constant_variable", value, case-insensitive);
     Ex:- a.) define("pi", 3.14);    [Here "pi" is case sensitive]
             b.) define("pi", 3.14, TRUE);    [Here "pi" is non-case sensitive]
             c.) define("site", "anime");

>> RULES...

  • No need to start constant variable name with '$' sign.
  • Name only starts with a letter and an underscore(_).
  • Variable name cannot start with a number.
  • It is case sensitive which implies that the variable num in lowercase is different from variable NUM in uppercase. But we can make it case insensitive.
  • Constants are automatically global and can be used across the entire script.
  • Can't use predefined constant name. e.g:- PHP_VER, PHP_anime etc.
  • Can't use reserved keywords. eg:- else, if, etc.

>>Arithmetic/Math Operators...

            echo 5+6;
            echo 6-2;
            echo 6/3;
            echo 7*1;
            echo 6%2;


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