
Showing posts from 2020

Cyber World on Fire: Uncovering the latest events, from Google's outage to the newest threats and trends in technology

A few days ago, Microsoft says that their system was exposed. But not only Microsoft majority of fortune 500 companies including the FBI, treasury departments, state health departments, real estate and a whole lot of people probably 18000 to 19000 big companies are vulnerable to this attack. This is the very first time you are hearing of such a big massive attack. In this article, we also go through the reason behind, why  Google was a little bit down a couple of days ago?? In 2020, we all go through corona pandemic, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and many more disasters and we all thought that now this is the end of all nightmares with the end of 2020. But for 2021, there is already biggest nightmare has been started for all fortune companies and in the cyber world.   Now, as we all know cyber security is always a cat-and-mouse game. Sometimes, you think that you are safe but the next moment you found that you were being hacked. And to protect that, there are so many good comp

What is React Native???

 What Is React Native????????? First and foremost, let me clarify here that I’m not talking about the hybrid apps or web apps that are being wrapped around in a browser or something like that. It’s completely a pure native app that you formally designed using swift or in android using java or kotlin. They are pure apps and they are completely being designed using web skills, i.e. HTML, CSS, and javascript. So, obviously, the very first question came to your mind is, What is react native?   and in order to understand the react native we have to touch up a little bit on the rest as well. Now, in case you are not aware of the project react. It is a project being designed by Facebook. And in case you are not aware and still don’t believe me that these apps can be really awesome just take out the phone and have a look at the apps like Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb e.t.c, they are completely being designed and up almost switched into the react-native. Again coming back to the question, wha

Python a slow programming language Or just a Myth ???????????

Python a slow programming language Or just a Myth ??????????? Many peoples hate Python becoz it’s a little bit slower programming language but guyzz it can be a bit of myth. So let’s debug it, Is python really a slow programming language ??. The main point is that it’s not ur fault that u believe that python is a slower programming language, there so much noise Online, in the Forums and in the YouTube and almost every single place which says, Python is definitely slower language and yes it's don’t get me wrong here but u need to understand that what make’s python a slower language, what are the details behind it, and by the end of this article u’ll be able to say that no it’s not that slow programming language. Apart from that i’ll also discuss the DOP’s of optimizing or improving the speed of the python code or any other programming language as a matter of fact. So these DOP's, Don’t, Don’t Do Yet and Do ur profiling first so these are known as DOP's abbreviations of imp

What Exactly DevOps Is????

DevOps comes from two words Development and Operations. But before going through the problem statement, What DevOps is? Firstly, I would like to tell you What DevOps is not. DevOps is not a tool, it is not software, it is not a programming language that you can learn and call yourself a DevOps engineer, it is not absolutely like that. DevOps is moreover a philosophy, a mindset to the way how u take ur product, the app, or whatever website u designing and take that website or product So that millions of people's can use it, this entire process has a variety of ways that you can go through with. DevOps is one of that mindset, one of that philosophy, and one of the working ways to produce things from the Development site into the Production stage. So DevOps is a concept that is used in application lifecycle management and making sure that ur Development team is absolutely relaxed and ur Operation team (the team that handles all the servers and those amazing kinds of stuff) is a


  SQL   NoSQL  1.) SQL is generally used in Relational Database Management System 1.) NoSQL is used for Non-relational, distributed database system.  2.) Structured data can be stored in tables.   2.) Using JSON data, unstructured data can be stored.  3.) The schemas are static. 3.) The schemas are dynamic.   4.) Schemas are rigid and bound to relationships. 4.) Schemas are non-rigid, they are flexible.   5.) Helpful to design complex queries. 5.) No interface to prepare complex query.

PHP Lecture 3.....

>> String Interpolation.. String Interpolation is a quick shortcut, allowing to pop the value of a variable into a double quoted string. Ex:- <?php $value =10; echo "Value is: $value"; ?> >>Rules 1. Surround the variable name with spaces.     Ex:- <?php                $value=10;                echo"$value is good for you";                ?> 2. Don't use single quotation marks - when you use single quotation marks , PHP does not apply string interpolation. >> Constants In PHP.... 1. Whose values can't be modified. 2. define() function is used to create a constant. 3. Syntax:- define("constant_variable", value, case-insensitive);       Ex:- a.) define("pi", 3.14);    [Here "pi" is case sensitive]               b.) define("pi", 3.14, TRUE);    [Here "pi" is non-case sensitive]               c.) define("site", "anime"); >> RULES... No need to start con